Grant Writing
Join the grant writing master, Andrea Mitchel, and IECC staff for a series on how to more effectively apply for Federal and Foundation grants using data.
Strategic Planning
Receive one-on-one Strategic Planning and assessments to improve future Board Development and Financial sustainability.
Financial Controls
Partake in workshops to help improve financial controls using tools like QuickBooks to ensure state and federal nonprofit compliance.
Fund Development
Develop a strategic Financial Sustainability Plan and attend workshops to reduce costs and build better relationships with funders.

IECC has been selected to provide Technical Assistance to nonprofits in Riverside County. All organizations seeking Technical Assistance must by a registered 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(19) and provide services in at least one of the five Riverside County Supervisorial Districts.
The Riverside County Nonprofit Assistance Fund (RCNAF) was established to continue the County’s efforts to strengthen, expand, and support the local nonprofit sector to amplify their philanthropic roles which have played a critical role in the pandemic response.
To receive technical assistance please review the offerings provided by IECC below and submit an Interest Application. Spaces will be filled in a first come, first served basis so apply early by selecting the “Apply for Nonprofit Technical Assistance” button in any of the sections below.
Grant Writing
Technical Assistance Workshops
Join the grant writing master, Andrea Mitchel, and IECC staff for a series on how to more effectively apply for Federal and Foundation grants using data.
Grant Writing for Nonprofits: Essential Tips to Secure Funding
Presented by Andrea Mitchel of AM Development Group
This three-part workshop will provide nonprofits with an introduction to grants, different types of funding sources, the importance of grants, identifying relevant funding opportunities, proposal components, and budget development.
Dates: September 13th, 20th, and 27th 2023 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am via Zoom. You must attend all three workshops for completion.
Make Your Case Using Data: Gathering and Presenting Data in Grant Proposals
Presented by Andrea Mitchel of AM Development Group and IECC Public Policy and Technology Manager, Brian Romo
This workshop teaches nonprofits the importance of data literacy competency for nonprofits serving the region.
Dates: October 18th and 25th from 9:00 am to 11:30 am via zoom. You must attend both workshops for completion.
Strategic Planning
One-on-One Technical Assistance
Receive one-on-one Strategic Planning and assessments to improve future Board Development and Financial sustainability.
One-on-One Accelerated Individual Strategic Planning
Facilitated by IECC and Technology of Participation (ToP) Facilitator Becky Foreman
This streamlined version of strategic planning uses a highly participatory approach to help the group develop a shared vision, identify assets and challenges related to achieving their vision, agree on strategic directions that will move them forward and create a one-year action plan.
Dates: Facilitated throughout 2023-2024
Technology of Participation (ToP) Strategic Planning How To
Presented by ToP Facilitator Becky Foreman
Meant for facilitators/leaders interested in gaining strategic planning skills
Nonprofits often face unique challenges related to decision-making, stakeholder engagement, and problem-solving. ToP is a powerful collection of structured facilitation methods that transform the way groups think, talk and work together. ToP is designed to help groups and organizations collaborate effectively, make decisions, and solve complex problems.
Nonprofits will engage in an effective, hands-on learning with ample opportunities to practice their skills.
Dates: Two full-day sessions on August 19 -20, 2023
Core Capacity Assessment Tool (CCAT) with Interpretation and Implementation
Facilitated by the Inland Empire Community Collaborative
The IECC Certified facilitators will provide the CCAT to 10 organizations. The CCAT is the premier organizational assessment tool assisting nonprofits to become resilient and sustainable, and to determine how to deliver programs and services most effectively. The CCAT identifies the areas of organizational strength and challenge, enabling nonprofits to target where to invest first for maximum benefit. Each assessment includes a custom results report and consultation by a certified expert to help nonprofits understand and contextualize the data, identify priorities, and turn assessment results into an action plan. CCAT includes interpretation and implementation one year plan.
Dates: Facilitated throughout 2023-2024
Improving Financial Controls
Technical Assistance Workshops
Partake in workshops to help improve financial controls using tools like QuickBooks to ensure state and federal nonprofit compliance.
Staying Out of Hot Water with the Nonprofit Compliance Checklist
Presented by CalNonprofits in partnership with the IECC and the NEO Law Group
Nonprofits who participate in this workshop will be provided an outline of the who, when, and what of compliance rules for nonprofits in California, all in one-place, with links to the forms, instructions, and frequently asked questions.
Date: Workshop to be held on Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 11:00 AM
Finance Fundamentals: Understanding Key Language, Concepts, and Practices
Facilitated by the premier organization CompassPoint
This three-part series will present nonprofits with an opportunity to understand core language and skills about nonprofit finance in an expressly political context. Organizations will learn key nonprofit financial terms and be better prepared to use that language in financial discussions within their organization. They will build upon their ability to interpret nonprofit financial statements and identify at least one thing they reveal about an organization’s financial model. Nonprofits will understand the difference between revenue, expense, and wealth and how they contribute to organizational financial health and program impact. Beginning to apply key nonprofit financial language and concepts to your own organization. Becoming familiar with core nonprofit financial statements (the income statement, statement of functional expense, and the balance sheet) and starting to learn how to draw meaning from them.
Dates: Workshop to be held in 2024
Quickbooks Made Easy for Nonprofits
Facilitated by CPA, Charity Agar, Strategic Financial Reporting Inc.
Do you want to help your nonprofit use QuickBooks to its fullest potential? During this two-session How-To Clinic for Nonprofits, organizations will receive training in QuickBooks for Nonprofits. QuickBooks is a popular accounting software that is widely used by nonprofits to manage their financial records and processes.
Dates: Workshop to be held in 2024
Fund Development
One-on-One Technical Assistance and Workshops
Develop a Strategic Financial Sustainability Plan and attend workshops to reduce costs and build better relationships with funders.
Strategic Financial Sustainability Planning: Developing a Strategic Fund Development Plan for the Future
Facilitated by the Inland Empire Community Collaborative
Nonprofits will be provided one-on-one individual coaching for three months which will result in an individualized strategic financial sustainability plan. This mini fund development plan is separated into three categories:
- What is necessary to sustain existing operations,
- What is needed for organizational capacity building, and
- What is required for NPO’s to realize its plans. Plan includes long-range financial forecasting, cost modeling, capacity building, revenue generating plan.
Participants must have participated in the CCAT with Interpretation and Implementation located under Strategic Planning.
Dates: Facilitated throughout 2023-2024
Revenue Generating Strategies and Cost Management
Presented by the Inland Empire Community Collaborative
This two-part series will address nonprofit cost management and revenue generating strategies. Revenue generating strategies and cost management are essential components for the financial sustainability of nonprofit organizations. Organizations will explore a range of revenue streams, including individual donations, corporate sponsorships, fundraising events, earned income ventures, and partnerships with businesses or other organizations. By diversifying funding sources, nonprofits can reduce reliance on a single source and create a more stable financial foundation.
Dates: Workshop to be held in Spring 2024
Special Events and Sponsorships
Presented by the Inland Empire Community Collaborative
Special events and sponsorships are effective strategies for nonprofits to raise funds, engage supporters, and enhance their visibility in the community. This session will provide nonprofits with a step-by-step guide to implementation and management of special events including the important after event follow-up. This session will address the identification of potential sponsors, cultivating relationships, recognition, and acknowledgement of sponsors, and ensuring fulfillment of sponsor commitment.
Dates: Workshop to be held in 2024
Engaging Board Members in Fundraising
Facilitated by Lina Paredes
Lina is an independent philanthropic/nonprofit consultant and certified professional coach in Leadership that Works
Engaging the board in fundraising is vital for nonprofits as board members play a significant role in leveraging their networks, providing financial support, and advocating for the organization. Organizations will be provided with tangible strategies to educate and engage the Board on their role in fundraising for the organization. Includes individual coaching hours.
Dates: Workshop to be held on October 12, 2023
Foundation Relationship Building and Funder’s Forum
Facilitated by Lina Paredes
Lina is an independent philanthropic/nonprofit consultant and certified professional coach in Leadership that Works
This two-part session will provide participants with an interactive learning session on the cultivation of relationships with foundations and the opportunity to participate in a panel discussion with funders.
Dates: Workshop to be held in 2023